miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Beautiful Simplicity

En muchas de las grandes franquicias, tienen pequeños descuentos y rebajas a menudo, y yo aprovecho para comprar cosas nuevas, como esta camiseta colorblock, que es simple pero muy bonita.
At lots of big franchises, they constantly have little sales and discounts, which I take advantage of and go shopping. It was during one of these sales that I got this colorblock shirt, it's simple but beautiful.

Camiseta/shirt: Gap
Vaqueros/jeans: Zara
Zapatos/shoes: Converse

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

About me

I am a teenager with a passion for fashion, as long as it's elegant and classy. I believe in small projects, like the fashion magazine I started for my family and that inspired this blog, and I also believe in the great things we can achieve when we really try (after all, Chanel changed the world with a few pearls and a black dress). I generally shop at affordable, High street kind of shops, but every once in a while my parents buy me designer clothing. I have also recently gotten interested in thrifted and vintage clothes.
I live in between Boston and Mallorca. Therefore, the Dolce and Gabbana shirt that says "International sexy girl here" on it should belong to me.

Welcome to the rest of my life,
Carmen E

"I really don't understand minimalism. It's so polite and boring. If you don't want anyone to notice you, you should stay home and grow your own vegetables." - Roberto Cavalli


E-mail and subscriptions to the magazine: revistabroadway@gmail.com
Instagram: eatthemimi

sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013


Ya empieza el frío, pero como yo todavía no quiero aceptarlo sigo llevando shorts. Hoy era imposible, así que me he puesto medias. El look que llevaba hoy es un go-to para mí: camisa, shorts y zapatos planos. (De hecho, si os fijáis, en la última entrada llevo lo mismo). Esta vez me puse una chaqueta roja por encima porque hacía mucho frío y también para añadirle un toque de color al look.
Un beso y espero que os guste

It's already starting to get cold but I'm in denial so I'm still wearing shorts. However, I had to pull on some tights underneath because it was impossible to wear just shorts. Today's look is a go-to for me: button-down shirt, shorts and flats. In fact, that's what I was wearing as well in my last post. This time I put on a red jacket, not just because it was cold but also to add a pop of color.
I hope you like it xx

Chaqueta/Jacket: Ann Taylor
Camisa/button-down shirt: Ralph Lauren
Shorts: Zara
Bailarinas/ballet flats: Acebós

xo, Carmen E

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

High School

Hola a todos,
Quiero que sepáis que a partir de ahora voy a empezar a escribir el blog en español e inglés para tener más oportunidades en la blogosfera. Pero que sepáis que mis favoritas siempre serán mis seguidoras españolas jeje. El verano se me ha ido de las manos, el martes empecé las clases. Es mi primer año de instituto (aquí se empieza con catorce años) y tengo muchas ganas de empezar. Sí, es como en las pelis. Estamos en un edificio gigante, yo ya me he perdido varias veces. Dentro de poco empezarán los bailes y las actividades.
Planeé mi conjunto del primer día hace mucho y mis padres me hicieron una foto el primer día. En su momento me molestó, pero ahora me alegro.

Hi all,
I just started translating this blog to English, and I'll put up an About page soon so you can get to know me. Well, the summer's officially over since I started school on Tuesday. It's just like in the movies, without the spontaneous singing of course! I'm excited for everything to start and to get to know my classmates. I planned my outfit several days in advance and my parents took a picture on the first day. It was kind of annoying, but now I'm glad they did.

Camisa/blouse: Cortefiel
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Bailarinas/ballet flats: Zara
Backpack: Jansport