I am a teenager with a passion for fashion, as long as it's elegant and classy. I believe in small projects, like the fashion magazine I started for my family and that inspired this blog, and I also believe in the great things we can achieve when we really try (after all, Chanel changed the world with a few pearls and a black dress). I generally shop at affordable, High street kind of shops, but every once in a while my parents buy me designer clothing. I have also recently gotten interested in thrifted and vintage clothes.
I live in between Boston and Mallorca. Therefore, the Dolce and Gabbana shirt that says "International sexy girl here" on it should belong to me.
Welcome to the rest of my life,
Carmen E
"I really don't understand minimalism. It's so polite and boring. If you don't want anyone to notice you, you should stay home and grow your own vegetables." - Roberto Cavalli
E-mail and subscriptions to the magazine: revistabroadway@gmail.com
Instagram: eatthemimi
Foto porfaaaaaaa